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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Florence (Firenze), Day 2

From about 9.30 this morning, I virtually walked non-stop for 5 hours about the city.
First visit was to the Galleria dell' Accademia. This is full of renaissance art, and features the famous Statue of David - which was huge, and impressive.
I think my favourite of the gallery were Michelangelo's unfinished sculptures - as its not something I've seen before. I've always been fascinated by how artists get a block of marble or stone and just turn it into an unbelievable lifelike sculpture.
These particular statues, there were four, were partially carved - making out features like arms and legs, and faces moulding into half-chiselled marble. extraordinary.

Originally, the dome and chapel were on the agenda, but in the end the day was spent walking and exploring Florence, which is so beautiful (and also somewhat confusing with so many little streets and alleyways). Here are some photos of the chapel from the outside though:
The Ponte Vecchio is a popular bridge, which has a few buildings and stuff on it. Its kinda cute I guess.
The Spirito market was also due for a visit.

It was a cute little market, although a bit small. It was nice, regardless.
At the time, they had a performance (in Italian of course), on a nearby stage - you don't see anything like that in Aus.
Here are some snapshots of general exploration of the streets:
Florence street.
 Huge Cathedral on the left.

I didn't take too many photos today.
I also bought a whole pizza, so I'm doing what I did the other day - lunch and dinner in one payment!
(I should probably try different pizzas... and not just margarita)

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