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Friday, May 31, 2013


Officially in my first international country.
Doha is hot, muggy, and smoggy. We're here for 5 hours or something.

The flight was a lot better than I expected. I think it helped being at night, as I used the opportunity to try and sleep for most of it, and change time zones.

Local time: 8.25am - Melbourne 3.25pm.

I'll be on a 5 hour flight to Athens at midday, ready to start the real adventure.
I've got Kelvin the Koala (from Steve) keeping me company and watching over me.

Flight food is average...
Viber is amazing.

steph: struggling with some gross bread roll
everyone super keen to get off the plane

I'm off now, waiting at Melbourne airport.
Duty free shopping is pretty exciting, a part from the fact I have no money or space to buy anything. I'll have to wait until I get home ;)

Here's a letter from my lovely Steve. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

I bought a 65L travelpack yesterday. It has a lifetime warranty in Australia, so its something I'll be keeping forever. 
My mum, when she travelled, collected patches from the places she visited and attached them to her pack. I'd like to do something like that as I travel both Australia and other places when I'm older (fingers crossed, I guess).

Today I created my own packing list, devised from several I have read on the internet as well as advice from friends and family.
As a result, I've started to pack.

I think the most difficult thing is not really knowing what it will be like in Europe. What exactly will I need, and how much can I physically carry. I'm hoping to leave enough room to buy things over there. 

So far, packing light is going well (it looks like a lot, but in my pack its only about half). The things on the right are mostly going on the plane with me - which, so far, is extremely heavy...so I need to work on that.


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